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Fromuth & Langlois Dental Blog

Going on a Valentine’s Date? Here’s How to Make the Best Impression

February 5, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — fromuthlanglois @ 1:45 pm
person drawing a heart around the date February 14th on a calendar

Whether you’ve been with your partner for years, months, weeks, or days, it’s always important to make an effort and look great. One of the best ways to bring your best self to your romantic, planned Valentine’s Day date is to make sure that your smile looks and feels fantastic, because that’s typically the first trait that people notice about you. Read on for some tips and tricks from your dentist on how you can show up to impress.


It’s a New Year – Have You Considered a New Smile?

January 4, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — fromuthlanglois @ 10:29 pm
A woman celebrating the new year.

With the new year and the new decade finally here, now is the perfect time to start thinking about what you’d like to improve about yourself moving forward! Some of your family members might be thinking about putting away money for savings, eating better on a daily basis, getting out more with friends and family or losing a couple pounds before the end of the year. However, did you ever stop to think about how improving your smile’s appearance can dramatically enhance your life? With help from a dentist in Manchester, you can do precisely that!


Dentist Gives You 5 Easy Holiday Tips To Maintain a Healthy Smile

December 11, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — fromuthlanglois @ 6:18 pm
Smiling people at a holiday party

When you think about the holidays, there’s a good chance that shopping, baking and decorating all come to mind. But sitting in the dental chair? Not so much. Unfortunately, however, an abundance of sweet holiday foods and beverages (combined with falling out of your oral hygiene routine) can easily lead to cavities and dental emergencies. But not if you know a few good tips and tricks! Keep reading for 5 great ideas on how to enjoy yourself this holiday season without an unexpected trip to a dentist in Bedford. 


4 Phrases to Learn to Maximize Your Dental Insurance Benefits

November 25, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — fromuthlanglois @ 1:55 pm
wallet with money in it

For many people, navigating their dental insurance policy can be intimidating because there’s so much fine print. Because of this, they end up only using their monthly investment when it’s an absolute emergency, making them lose money because of unnecessary out-of-pocket costs. If you’re wondering what is important to know about your dental insurance and what’s not, visit your family dentist and discuss your policy. Otherwise, here are four important words and phrases to help you maximize your benefits before they reset on January 1st and any unused ones go back into the pockets of your insurance company.


Your Dentist Has 5 Easy Steps for Keeping Teeth Healthy This Halloween

October 23, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — fromuthlanglois @ 5:41 pm
Kids Halloween

Halloween is one of the most popular holidays of the year, but it’s also a time when parents and other caregivers need to be extremely careful about the extra sugar that their children are enjoying. Those delicious treats could play a nasty trick on your little one’s pearly whites by eventually causing tooth decay and other oral healthy problems. To keep the Halloween season happy, your dentist recommends following these 5 steps to protect your children from cavities.


Did You Chip a Tooth? Here’s What to Do

September 20, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — fromuthlanglois @ 7:47 pm
a man with a chipped tooth

Accidents happen, no matter how much we try and prevent them. Sometimes those accidents include a chipped tooth. When that occurs, it’s all too easy to panic. What should you do? First and foremost, make sure to call your emergency dentist to alert them to the situation. Depending on where the chip is located and the extent of the damage, your dentist may recommend different treatment options. Let’s talk more about those choices and what you should do if you just chipped a tooth.


Don’t Forget Your Child’s Smile This Back-to-School Season

August 5, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — fromuthlanglois @ 2:46 am
Smiling boy in classroom

Labor Day is fast approaching, which means the long days of summer are coming to an end, and the new school year is right around the corner. As you begin thinking about your back-to-school list, there is one special item that you should definitely include! In addition to folders, crayons and new school uniforms, a trip to a dentist in Manchester is an important part of getting your child ready to return to the classroom. Scheduling an end-of-summer dental checkup is not just a good idea for your son or daughter’s oral health – it could also impact their grades!


5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Avoid Your Dentist in Manchester

July 10, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — fromuthlanglois @ 6:51 pm
dental cleaning

Many people are scared of the dentist. They seize up in fear at the idea of someone they don’t know that well poking around in their mouth. As a result, they don’t go to their checkups and get the care they need. Although it seems like skipping out on your appointment might not be a big deal, it can have dire consequences. Let’s take a closer look at 5 bad things that can happen if you avoid regularly seeing your dentist in Manchester, NH.

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