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Fromuth & Langlois Dental Blog

What Does Your Weight Have to Do with Sleep Apnea?

May 10, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — fromuthlanglois @ 9:28 pm
Man with sleep apnea snoring in bed

There are plenty of factors that can contribute to sleep apnea, and weight happens to be one of the most prominent. It’s estimated that the vast majority of adults who have obstructive sleep apnea (about 60% to 90%) are also overweight. For the sake of your health and getting a better night’s sleep, it’s essential to understand how weight and sleep-disordered breathing are connected.


Tired of Drooling? An Oral Sleep Appliance Could Help

April 22, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — fromuthlanglois @ 10:29 pm
Woman sleeping with her mouth open

Most of us have probably woken up at least once or twice to sticky saliva residue on our faces, but for some, this habit is annoyingly consistent. While drooling is often portrayed in cartoons as a quirky character trait, it could point to a condition that’s been getting a lot of attention recently: sleep apnea.

If your nighttime drooling is tiring you out, keep reading. You just might discover whether you have sleep apnea, and how you could fix it.


Stopping the Pain: Is Botox a Treatment Option for TMJ Dysfunction?

March 21, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — fromuthlanglois @ 5:39 pm
a woman experiencing jaw pain

Living with debilitating jaw pain can feel like a hopeless situation. The inability to move your mouth properly, eat certain foods, and even talk can take its toll the longer you go without treatment. Fortunately, there is no need to put off seeing a trusted dentist who provides safe and effective solutions for TMJ dysfunction. Offering many unique solutions, such as Botox, they can finally help you out of pain.


Why Should I Visit a Dentist for TMJ Treatment?

February 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — fromuthlanglois @ 11:57 pm

TMJ and model of human skullDo you suffer from recurring jaw pain? Maybe your jaw clicks, pops, or grates when you open and close your mouth? No matter your symptoms, your dentist can provide you with long-term relief using the latest solutions in TMJ treatment. Dentists are experts in oral anatomy, allowing them to provide personalized treatments to improve jaw dysfunction and relieve pain.


What You Should Know About Nitrous Oxide

January 25, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — fromuthlanglois @ 9:47 pm

Woman benefiting from laughing gas at the dentistIf you have a difficult time relaxing in the dentist’s chair or you need dental work, nitrous oxide dental sedation may be right for you. Better known as “laughing gas,” the inhaled sedative is a safe solution for patients of all ages, including children. Here’s what you should know about nitrous oxide. 


What Can I Do if My Dentures Smell Bad?

December 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — fromuthlanglois @ 9:58 pm

Modern dentures have allowed millions of people to enjoy a complete smile after extensive tooth loss while also being incredibly comfortable to wear. While they are made of durable materials, they require regular cleaning and maintenance to remain aesthetically pleasing and odor-free. Here are a few reasons why your dentures might not be smelling so great lately and what you can do to keep them in great shape.


The Clear Solution: Can Invisalign Help Patients with TMJ Pain?

November 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — fromuthlanglois @ 3:02 pm
A man holding his jaw due to TMJ pain

If you suffer from temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, you understand the discomfort and pain it can bring to your daily life. TMJ pain often results from bite misalignment, so it stands to reason that an orthodontic treatment like Invisalign could help. However, does practical evidence back up this idea?

Continue reading to learn more about TMJ disorder and how Invisalign might just be the solution you’ve been looking for to find relief.


Don’t Indulge in These 4 Foods with Dentures

October 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — fromuthlanglois @ 6:55 pm
Set of dentures on a pink plastic plate with pink fork and knife on either side

Dentures are a tried-and-true method for replacing your teeth because they refurbish your smile while allowing you to eat and speak normally. That said, they do come with some dietary restrictions because certain foods are known to harm or displace them. After all, you wouldn’t want to wear them down unnecessarily if you didn’t have to. Keep reading to learn more about 4 foods to avoid if you have dentures, and why.


I Have Dentures Now; Why Should I Quit Smoking?

September 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — fromuthlanglois @ 11:06 pm
Woman has curious expression

Dentures can be an incredible way to restore a smile after extensive tooth loss because they are lifelike enough to go completely unnoticed and fit so comfortably that you might forget that they are there. However, their fit depends in no small part on the health of the gums supporting them and the rest of the tissues in the mouth. Here’s why you should quit smoking if you’re wearing dentures.


How to Speak Clearly and Gain Confidence with Dentures

August 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — fromuthlanglois @ 12:14 pm
An older woman smiling with her new dentures

Have you been slurring, sloshing, or clicking as you speak while wearing your new dentures? You’re in good company. Most people have difficulties adjusting to speaking when they first put their new dentures in. The feeling is very different from having natural teeth, to say the least.

Continue reading to learn how to adjust to your new prosthetics quickly and get back to enjoying conversations with friends and family.

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