Most of us have probably woken up at least once or twice to sticky saliva residue on our faces, but for some, this habit is annoyingly consistent. While drooling is often portrayed in cartoons as a quirky character trait, it could point to a condition that’s been getting a lot of attention recently: sleep apnea.
If your nighttime drooling is tiring you out, keep reading. You just might discover whether you have sleep apnea, and how you could fix it.
What is Sleep Apnea?
Research and modern emphasis on the power of sleep has increased attention for sleeping disorders such as sleep apnea. It might sound fancy, but sleep apnea simply means you have trouble breathing while you sleep.
The severity and cause of this disorder’s symptoms depends on the individual. However, patients often experience interrupted sleep because their airway is blocked. In these cases, they’re more likely to breathe through their mouth at night – which increases the odds of saliva escaping their mouths in the form of drool.
Does Drooling Mean I have Sleep Apnea?
Drooling during sleep is quite common, but sleep disorders? Not as much. You might have already realized, then, that waking up to a moist pillow doesn’t automatically mean your airway is obstructed. What sets normal drooling apart from sleep apnea drooling, then? If you experience the following symptoms along with your midnight saliva, it’s likely you’re suffering from this disruptive disorder:
- Snoring
- Gasping or choking in your sleep
- Difficulties staying asleep
- Daytime drowsiness
While you could be drooling as a normal response to your environment or a particularly deep dream, the presence of these symptoms could mean you’re actually sleeping with your mouth wide open to help yourself breathe! No wonder you’re tired all the time, right?
How Can I Treat My Sleep Apnea?
Of course, the first thing you need to do is professionally confirm whether you have sleep apnea. An official diagnosis will rule out other potential conditions and ensure you get the care you need. If you find that the culprit behind your drooling and fatigue is in fact some airway blockage, then ask your partner or roommates to cut you some slack!
After that, you’re going to want to manage your symptoms so you can finally feel rested. However, maybe you don’t want to replace your snoring with a loud CPAP machine. Don’t worry! There’s at least one other, more low-profile option you can consider.
An oral sleep appliance looks a lot like a retainer, but with an added attachment to help move your jaw forward. This reduces the amount of oral tissue obstructing your airway, solving most cases of sleep apnea!
Finding out whether this device will decrease your drool and increase your sleep is easy, too. Simply call your dentist and ask for a consultation. With a custom-made sleep apnea oral appliance, they’ll be able to help you on your way to a dry, restful night’s sleep.
About the Practice
Our team at Fromuth & Langlois Dental of Manchester is intrigued by the technological advances that are always affecting dentistry, which is why we offer oral sleep appliances to help treat sleep apnea. If you experience excessive drooling, snoring, or other symptoms that make staying asleep difficult, contact our office at 603-644-3368, or book an appointment through our website. Our dentists will be happy to consult with you!