Dentures are a tried-and-true method for replacing your teeth because they refurbish your smile while allowing you to eat and speak normally. That said, they do come with some dietary restrictions because certain foods are known to harm or displace them. After all, you wouldn’t want to wear them down unnecessarily if you didn’t have to. Keep reading to learn more about 4 foods to avoid if you have dentures, and why.
Food #1: Steak
There’s nothing quite as satisfying as biting into a tender cut of steak, but unfortunately, this meaty favorite can be particularly bad for your dentures. Many steaks are tough and require extra chewing to break them apart sufficiently. This added work can cause pain with your dentures, or even dislodge them from your teeth altogether. Instead, try cutting meat into smaller pieces that are easier to break apart.
Food #2: Popcorn
If you’ve ever been to the movie theater and had popcorn get stuck between your teeth, you know how frustrating it can be! It’s even worse if you can’t easily remove it, because then you might reach for objects or utensils that can damage your pearly whites or gums in your attempt. With dentures, it’s even worse because the kernels can get trapped between your dentures and gums and will chafe until you have a chance to take them out. Eliminate the risk and the hassle by leaving popcorn out of the picture.
Food #3: Sticky Candy
Though there are plenty of sugary sweets available this time of year, you’ll want to avoid sticky candies if you have dentures. Toffee, caramel, and gummies are all common culprits that will stick to your dentures when you try to eat them. They take a long time to dissolve, which gives bacteria plenty of opportunity to attack your teeth and gums. Not only that, but they’re prone to snagging and dislodging your dental work.
Food #4: Drinks that Stain
It can be hard to give up coffee if you rely on a caffeine boost to wake you up every morning, but you might want to consider limiting your intake. Dark drinks like tea, coffee, and red wine contain tannins that can stain your dentures and natural teeth alike. If your dentures are new, you’re even more likely to end up with discoloration after enjoying these beverages. Not only that, but they are also diuretics and can cause dehydration which leads to dry mouth. Saliva flushes your mouth clean of unwanted food particles and germs, meaning you’re more prone to develop gum disease without it!
Now that you know what foods to steer clear of, you can keep your dentures in great shape for mny years to come.
About the Author
Dr. Robert C. Fromuth achieved his Doctor of Dental Surgery with honors in 2013 from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He has since completed the core curriculum at the prestigious Pankey Institute for Advanced Dental Education, making him a skilled expert at providing a wide range of dental services. If you need dentures or other restorations, he can help! You’re welcome to request a consultation on the website or by calling (603) 644-3368.