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Is Your Smile Hurting Your Love Life?

February 26, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — fromuthlanglois @ 10:55 pm

Couple in love embracingHave you still not found the person you want to spend the rest of your life with? Maybe you have given up the search or haven’t even started because you’re embarrassed by your smile. Believe it or not, your oral health can affect your love life. A recent survey found that 68% of respondents admit bad teeth or breath are a deal breaker. An unattractive smile doesn’t have to put a kink in your love life. Your dentist has the solutions you need for an irresistible smile. 


Best and Worst Toothpaste for Veneers

February 16, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — fromuthlanglois @ 11:29 pm

Woman looking in mirror and brushing her teethVeneers can give your smile a complete makeover using a long-lasting solution. Your dazzling new smile can last for a decade or longer with the right aftercare. Your oral hygiene is the most important factor to influence the lifespan of your veneers. Your brushing routine is your first line of defense against decay, infections, and other issues that can cause your veneers to fail; however, only if you use the right products. The wrong toothpaste can ruin your smile. Don’t worry, here’s how to choose the best toothpaste to get the most from your investment. 


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